Collins Companies

Collins Companies


  • 成立于 1855
  • 软木锯材厂
  • 從1到10名員工
  • 产品

    瓣 - 木梁 - 钉板条 - 建築材 - 铁路枕木 - - - - - 细木工 - - - - 木包层 - 襯裡 - 外墙实木弧形挂板 - 門套 - 木線條 - 踢腳線 - 刨光材 - 台板 - 刨花板 - 木制搅拌器 - 木砧板 - - 外门 - 室内门

地点 美國 97070, 俄勒岡, Wilsonville, 29100 SW Town Center Loop W, STE 300

The family-owned Collins traces its roots back to 1855, when T.D. Collins began timber operations in Pennsylvania. By the turn of the century, the family had expanded west to manage 94,000 acres of softwood in northeastern California. Today our holdings also include the Collins Lakeview Forest in southern Oregon and northern California. Additionally, Collins Products LLC manufactures standard and certified exterior siding and particleboard, also standard hardboard siding and trim.