Jazz Forest Products

Jazz Forest Products


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    Необрезная доска - Полуобрезная доска - Слэб - - Доска обрезная - Брусок - Брус - Рейка - Ламель - Столярная доска - Шпалы - Деревянные размешиватели для напитков - Доски разделочные деревянные -

Место расположения Канада V2S 7M6, Британская Колумбия, Абботсфорд, 34261 Industrial Way

JFP manufactures a wide range of softwood products from Douglas fir, Hemlock, cedar and SPF. –Green, K/D, and ACQ. The markets company is dealing with are mainly in Europe, the Middle East, Australia, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, India and North American markets. Company is an accredited member of several leading industry organizations, including Canadian Mill Services Association (CMSA) and Independent Lumber Re-manufacturers Association (ILRA).